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New choral music for Washington, DC

new choral music for

washington DC

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our mission

Artifice is a choral ensemble dedicated to shaping and developing the next generation of choral music and musicians in the Washington, DC area through innovative, experimental choral performance.

shaping the next generation of choral music

Classical music exists in two realms: the museum, and the laboratory.

Choral music is one of the oldest and most universal art forms, however most concerts today rely on performance practices and repertoire from the 1500s-1800s.

Music from this era is wonderful, and well-supported by audiences, donors, and educational programs. I have spent the last 30 years of my life practicing and performing this music. What I have learned along the way is that, while this music is gorgeous, thought-provoking, and can move your emotions from anguish to serenity, it is largely unchanged in hundreds of years. It’s a fantastic way to explore the museum of classical music, but it doesn’t do enough to support new, unknown, emerging, and under-represented choral musicians.

Artifice was founded because I feel strongly that when my career in music is over, a choral performance will look and feel very different. With that thought in mind, I am building an ensemble that will help explore what’s possible in choral performance, advocate for new voices in choral composition, and help shape the next generation of choral music.

—Casey Cook, Founder and Artistic Director